miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Sobre la definición de empresario

¿Anglosajona? Es cierto. ¿Extrema? Tal vez, ...pero me encanta como declaración de principios. Ahí va la definición de empresario dada por Bob Fishback, vicepresidente de la Fundación Ewing Marion Kauffman:

"Entrepreneurs are those people who generate new revolutionary ideas, bringing them to the marketplace. Their ideas are innovative, making our society more efficient and often helping spur the U.S. economy by evolving into high-growth firms. Once these dynamic entrepreneurs create one idea, they often move onto the next."

Fishback no se limita a definir la figura del empresario, también la compara con la del propietario de un pequeño negocio:

"Small-business owners, by contrast, start a business and once they grow it big enough to support themselves and their families, they have no intentions of growing this much more. This might be the corner barber shop or the hordes of self-employed. Perhaps they were “entrepreneurs” when they first started their business or generated their idea, but they lose that title once they’re “settled” into the day-to-day running of a business. “Once they decide, ‘ok, I have enough’” to make a decent living for the family “they’re sort of shifting out of entrepreneurship.”

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